Tuesday 15 February 2011

Post, doorbells and a spider

Here we go again............still no sign of the missing Christmas post.  I did eventually receive a reply from the Royal Mail, telling me they are in the process of spending 2 billion pounds updating their systems to provide a more efficient service. Yeah right, like that is going to happen.  No wonder they keep raising their prices.  I have replied to the (lack of) Customer Service Department and asked what happens to the backlog of post.  Does it get sorted and delivered or simply destroyed?  I also reminded them that when Deutsche Post takes over at least they will know how to run a postal system, with seven day opening plus an efficient service.  I await their next letter to me – incidentally the letter I have already received took eight days to reach me from the date of issue....................
Still having bother with antisocial behaviour from the local teenagers when they knock on the door or ring the bell then disappear.  The police response has been great and they are as keen as the rest of us to catch them.  Where are their parents?  Why don’t they know where they are and what they are doing?  The local Friday night youth club is a great ruse for them as they get dropped off and picked up there, but never actually go inside as there is more ‘fun’ to be had annoying the local residents.  Apparently there is a doorbell on the market which takes photos of whoever is ringing so I am in the process of sourcing one.  It is either that or drop a piano on them from the roof, the only problem being storing a large enough supply.
Half term beckons next week which in my house usually means lots of noise, mess and children of various ages.  Looks like the make and do box will be in constant use for the creative little souls.  Hopefully the rain will hold off so we can at least head out for some spring walks, although with my luck it will rain all week and the sun will return when they start back at school.
Amusing incident at my parents’ house this week.  Dad was eating his tea and saw a spider on the floor.  Knowing my Mum’s total intolerance of anything with more than two legs in her house, he started to chase it around with his foot to try and encourage it to move elsewhere.  Every time he poked at it, the spider rolled over but didn’t run away.  Eventually he turned the light on and discovered he had actually been chasing his garlic tablet................ Pesky little critters these health pills.
This is all.