Thursday 29 November 2012

Pus, pictures and a pooch

Well then, it has been a while since my last publication but life has been rather busy.  Actually life is always busy, but it is a good excuse.

I finally got to the dentist and had the hole in my wisdom tooth plugged.  After the initial first three and a half weeks of pain after the filling went AWOL it sorted itself out and has been fine ever since.  However, the plugging reactivated the recurring abscess that has been claiming squatters rights in my lower jaw for over twenty years and I spent a few uncomfortable days with a square face and pus filled cavity before it exploded over the bathroom mirror.  Okay, too much information, but now you know.

One of my main hobbies is photography and I have around 17000 photos stored on an external hard disk............or at least I had.  For no reason whatsoever it went kaput at the end of last month and basically told me it was empty.  Aaaarrrgghhh!  To say I was beside myself was an understatement; however I managed to source a forensic lab with talented technicians who have managed to retrieve a lot of the pictures.  In this world of digital photos I thought I was doing the right thing by storing them all on a separate drive to the main new way of thinking is to store them on about four different devices.  Fortunately thumbnails for all my photos are on the photo editing software, however as they are now not linked to the drive it looks like I will have to take photos of the thumbnails and download them......the quality won’t be the same as the originals but at least I will be able to look at them.  Anything prior to digital can be rescanned so it looks like the long winter nights now have a purpose with sorting, scanning, renaming etc.  Just goes to show that whatever you load onto a disk stays there even if you think by pressing the delete button it zooms away forever into cyberspace.  Of course Mr Glitter made this mistake when he took his pc in for repair.

I made a show of myself last week.  A supermarket visit was needed on a very wet and windy evening so we jumped into the car and headed into town.  Armed with goodies for the weekend we dashed back across the flood plain that is the local supermarket car park and himself dashed on ahead in a chivalrous manner to open the car for me.........I was hotfooting it with my hood up and head down and on arriving at the car I flung the door open and was about to toss the box of tissues (that I certainly didn’t remember leaving on the seat) onto the floor before leaping in to get out of the rain...........just then a very nice and somewhat bemused lady told me I was in fact getting into her car............  Well it was hardly my fault, similar style of car, interior lights on........okay the interior was pale leather rather than dark fabric, but hey, it was wet and I was in a hurry.

Shocking drivers continue to appear all around town, every type of driving offence from using a mobile phone whilst travelling; overloading the car; not strapping children into seats......there was one stupid woman who took the biscuit last week.  She was driving down a main road with schools up and down its length whilst using her phone and stroking the head of her dog that was sitting on her lap.  I am guessing she was either steering with her knees or had employed a small person to stand in the foot well.  What gets into these idiots???  I presume the biscuit she took was later enjoyed by the pooch.