Monday 15 August 2011

Balearics, chavs and a few hats

I had reason to pop into my local town centre the other day, found a parking bay and set about my chores in the shops.  On returning I spotted the car next to me had three people removing a vacuum cleaner, fan and other items from the boot and back seat.  The older of the women had opened her rear door and she was wedged between it and the body of her car.  This caused her door to bang into mine and leave blue paint on my silver bodywork.  I told her she had damaged my car and unbelievably she flatly denied it despite the evidence.  She claimed she had held the door away from my car.  Errrrmm no you didn’t missus, I walked up behind you and saw exactly what you were doing.  The upshot of this was she claimed she had done nothing wrong and there wasn’t much space to move anyway.  Actually madam, had you not been the combined size of the Balearics you would have had plenty working space.  Please book in with Weight Watchers on Monday evening for a solution to your bulk problem.
The social uprisings from last week appeared to have abated now, I guess due to the electrical and tracksuit retailers being out of stock.  I even saw a picture of people looting crisps from Poundland for goodness sake.  As always happens in these incidents there are innocent people caught up in the melee and several people have been killed.  Quite rightly, the alleged perpetrators have been charged and are appearing in court.  Taking the case of the three Asian people who were run over in Birmingham, for the sake of a moment’s stupidity by the people in the car, so many lives have been taken and a large number of other people are feeling the impact of these deaths and will continue to do so for the rest of their lives.  The dignity shown by one of the bereaved fathers as he stood in the street holding up a picture of his son was one of the most memorable news items of the week.  Compare that to the masked chavs interviewed for the news channel bragging about watching their new plasma televisions and showing off some gaudy footwear (brand new but with tags ripped off......) and it is easy to determine who I would rather have for a neighbour.  It is simply not worth going out and causing trouble.  It is not fun, it is not big and it is not clever.
To be fair to the judicial system, the courts have been successful in getting the low lifes up before the beak quickly and many have received custodial sentences.  Quite how space has been found for them in the prisons is a mystery as we are continually told the jails are overcrowded.  Never mind, pile these dregs of society in one large cell like they do in Thailand and other places where breaking the law carries a proper punishment and not a token slap on the wrist.  That will sort the tough guys out from the cowards (and I can bet the majority will turn out to be the latter).
On a lighter note, I am making the most of my National Trust membership by visiting a place every weekend.  The latest outing was to Chedworth Roman Villa, an old relic hidden at the end of a long and winding country road where it could be a little tricky coming across a coach heading towards you.  Anyway, the site is currently undergoing excavation and building works to carry out some conservation so the main part of the attraction is closed.........this is detailed in the current yearbook but the remainder of the site information is rather exaggerated in what there is to see and do.  All I can say is that I am glad I didn’t have to pay to get in as I would have been rather annoyed to have spent £7 for what amounted to an area that could be covered in about ten minutes on foot.
Next weekend I am off to a music festival for the first time.  Having not been under canvas for some time this in itself will be an experience as will the lack of plugs for hairstyling gadgets.  Fortunately I have a selection of hats for the weekend.

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