Tuesday 22 March 2011

Animals, owners and lack of respect

Animals, owners and lack of respect

It is often reported that we Brits are a nation of animal lovers.  This is something I can identify with as a cat owner, frog rescuer and hedgehog over-winter carer.  However, one thing that really tries my patience is the dog owner who almost daily trots past with a small terrier and allows the mutt to wee up against my fence.  Do I wee up against the dog owner’s fence?  No, I most certainly do not and nor do I intend to take this up as a hobby.  In any case, being a member of the female species it is infinitely more bother to wee outdoors bearing in mind the various layers to be removed to prevent wet trousers or rivers down the inside leg.  Why does this person believe she has a right to use my fence post for her dog’s bladder activities?  Does she pay me a rent for the post? No.  Does she ever attempt to drag the dog away or mop up the yellow peril? No.  Does she ever look embarrassed? No.
Short of electrifying the fence (too time consuming and expensive) what can I do to prevent it?  Speak to my vet friend about sewing the dog’s urethra closed?  Take the fence down?  Sprinkle the area with hot chilli pepper (dog walks on area, licks feet later, goes through roof....)?  None of these solutions are workable.  The only option is to confront the owner...............hmm.........right then, it looks like some serious gardening out in the front garden is needed at a time to coincide with the pooch being paraded around the street.  Ok it may look strange being gloved up with trowel in hand at breakfast time but it must be worth a try.  Watch this space.
Why is it deemed acceptable practice to leave a pile of dog poo near to the dog poo bin?  How much effort does it take to bag it and put it in the bin next to the steaming pile?  What happened to having respect in this country for our surroundings?  Bring in Singapore laws - that will shake these people up.  I am grateful that my cat uses her litter tray and not my garden........poo appears, is picked up with loo roll and flushed away. Seeeemples!
My cat is off to the cat dentist this week.  She had a worming tablet at the weekend (something she hates with a passion) and instead of spitting it straight out, she spat a canine out instead.  Root removal and a descale and polish lined up for her on Friday.  Cat dental work makes private dentistry for owners look reasonably priced. 
Having said that, I have now booked to go to a different NHS (yes really, a surgery still taking NHS patients!!) dentist in a few weeks time.  Despite the six lengthy appointments for root canal work at the end of 2010, the tooth has lost another bit and I really cannot be bothered to sit through another six sessions with the chap who, although a pleasant enough dentist, announced he does not specialise in root canal work which is why it takes him so long........Surely it cannot be too tricky?  Drill, stick rod in, drill a bit more, stick rod in, fill gap, job done. 
Still no sign of the missing post and no reply from the Royal Mail to my letter.  I guess it is lost in the post.

1 comment:

  1. Mop the piss up. Follow her home. Put it through her letter box.
