Monday 10 October 2011

Fish, teeth and ghouls

Yet another person unable to understand the yellow “please do not bother knocking to try and sell me your wares as I definitely do not buy at the door” sticker.  This time it was the fishmonger asking if he could interest me in placing an order for a load of dead sea creatures.  Err, no thank you very much.  This sticker obviously needs to be placed higher up – I guess alongside the doorbell would be good.  Perhaps I can purchase a device (from a shop, not at the door, obviously) that detects peddlers on my doorstep and bites their hand as soon as they press the doorbell.  Either that or a boxing glove that whizzes out and hits them on the nose.  I will add these goodies to my list for Father Christmas (they should fit easily on his sleigh).
The fine weather has all but vanished now, the 80 degree temperature has given way to strong winds with snow forecast on higher ground over the next few days.  Whenever I have cause to venture outside I return wearing hair that Worzel Gummidge would be proud to call his own.  If only I had his fine dress sense my life would be complete.
My long awaited visit to yet another dentist has now happened.  To recap, I changed dental practices again earlier in the year and the dentist I was allocated subsequently left.  I was then transferred to another one but this was then amended by the practice to a new lady.  Anyhow, off I went with little hope of satisfaction, but....................I was very pleasantly surprised!  This dentist looked at the x-rays taken by he-who-shall-remain-nameless, had a good old poke around then said all that needs sorting is a filling in my one remaining wisdom tooth and a replacement for the temporary filling that fell out (after three years, so it wasn’t really much of a temporary one after all)....................I certainly do not need the fistful of crowns that I had originally been told. Result!  I made the appointment for the repairs on the way out but now need to re-book as I managed to coincide it with my godson’s wedding day.............bit of a senior moment going on there.
Last week I was incensed to read postings on a local page of a popular social networking site concerning the fatality of someone in town.  The circumstances were tragic enough but for people to be posting their own version of the situation and speculating as to what had happened was insensitive, cruel and downright unnecessary.  These ghouls might just have well posted the name of the person along with a photo of proceedings – that was about all they left out of their comments.  The postings started a very short time after the event had happened and I was so angry on the family’s behalf that I changed my status on the site to reflect this.  Within a few minutes the original messages had been deleted and I received several comments and private emails from people totally agreeing with what I had said.  Social networking sites are an excellent way of keeping in contact with people and passing relevant information around, but to make a ‘thread’ for people to add to concerning someone’s tragedy is totally inappropriate.  The messages had been posted so quickly that there was no guarantee that the family concerned had even been advised.  Gossiping is simply not acceptable and I can only hope that the family did not read any of the items on view to the while population of the town.

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