Thursday 3 November 2011

Halloween, fireworks and the big freeze

Halloween has been and gone for another year and I must admit to being pleasantly surprised at the effort put into costumes worn by the many groups of small folk who banged on the door.  Ghosts, witches, monsters of various varieties and other spooky offerings were most welcome on an unusually warm evening.  All the children were polite and took the packs of chewy jelly sweets on offer (I had already removed the lollies and Parma violets for my own consumption) then went on their way to their next port of call.  The local dentists must have been rubbing their hands in glee and planning their next Caribbean cruise.  What a shame there was an older group of lads going around egging the revellers and any houses that had their lights off..............there is always someone willing to spoil it for others.  I am guessing they were also responsible for the trail of pumpkin innards along the main road the following morning.  I didn’t dress up for the occasion – I felt the sight of me opening the door dressed in my Lycra in readiness for a Zumba class was scary enough.
My Dad always enjoys Halloween as he believes it is his own special event with the whole world saying “Hello Ian” all day..............
The next couple of weeks are jam packed with events on the planner starting with Bonfire Night this weekend involving a street party affair in my parents close.  During past years this has been very successful and a good way of socialising with the neighbours who live further up and are only on waving terms for the rest of the year.  There is a barbecue, bonfire and mega fireworks so plenty of oooooh and aaaaaah viewing opportunities.
I read today that the weather is due to change within the next two weeks with temperatures down to minus fifteen degrees and a Siberian freeze is on the way.  By Christmas it could be as low as minus 20.  Okay, well the forecasters are reliable in getting it wrong more often than right so I won’t be getting my muffler and yeti boots out just yet..................however we have to expect colder weather as it is after all nearly winter.  Perhaps these reports are just to put the fear of all things holy into everyone but if it encourages the local councils to sort out their supplies of grit in time then perhaps it is not a bad thing.  Who knows, after the big freeze season is over and done the council might see fit to repair the pot holes that have been around since 2009, although I expect they will still be trying save money and will add the holes to the ‘savings’ made by switching off the street lights.  The idea of the Government putting a hold on council tax increases for a couple of years is not such a good idea after all really as it has given the local authority the freedom to make these wonderful decisions without any thought or consideration to the taxpaying public.  The local play park has a zebra crossing on the very busy main road adjacent to it and yes, you have guessed it, the lights have been switched off by the crossing.  The dim light given off by the belisha beacons is not enough to see anyone in dark clothing using the crossing at dusk or later.  It is a disaster waiting to happen.
Various celebrities have recently inflicted quirky names on their offspring and unfortunately this trend is becoming more and more rife within so-called normal everyday folk.  Do these people never think long term about what they are doing?  Obviously not.  At some stage these little souls will be grown up and have to enter the workplace, expect to be taken seriously and command an air of authority.  Sadly they are more likely to be a source of ridicule amongst their peers throughout their school days and have low self esteem.
Must sign off here as I need to take little Fireplace-Woodchip to playgroup.

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