Wednesday 16 November 2011

More misinformation, x-rays and differences

Following on from the cancellation of my appointment by British Gas and their subsequent text confirming the same appointment seven hours after it should have happened (are you keeping up?), I received two emails three days after the cancelled date confirming they would be attending at the original time.....................absolutely brilliant.  Gawd ‘elp them guv’nor they can’t help it.  Even more bizarrely I then received a telephone call a few days later to say the engineer would be calling that afternoon.  The boiler has now been serviced and all the radiators are working, even the one in the hallway which has not had any heat in it for three years.  Excellent location of this one.............right by the front door so I can now keep callers warm when they are outside on the step.
Perhaps they are in league with the post office as yet again the deliveries in my area have become sporadic.  A friend spoke to the local sorting office in town last week as she was urgently awaiting some parcels containing essential products for her business only to be told there were 250 parcels awaiting sorting but no staff to do it!  So many complaints were subsequently received that there was a special parcel delivery service on Sunday morning.  None of this bodes well for the Christmas chaos.
The whole world has gone strange as I received a text last Friday reminding me of a GP’s appointment for the following day.  This would have been really helpful if I had actually made an appointment in the first place.  I called the surgery and discovered the appointment was with a different GP to my own and nobody could tell me who had made the booking.  Could be a case of mistaken identity I suppose, although the address they quoted was mine.  Reminds me of some years ago when I was having a series of appointments at a hospital local to where I was living.  I had been several times, seen seven different consultants and been given seven different diagnoses.  I was sent for a knee x-ray and after waiting well after the appointed time I was told I could go as they had my film in the file.  Hmmmmm.................okay then, can I just have a look as I have not had the x-ray yet?  Turned out they had put a knee x-ray in my file for someone with the same date of birth as me but with a different name and their left knee had been x-rayed whereas I was having my right one done.  You couldn’t make it up.
Last week I was at the wedding of my godson and his new wife.  It was a great day out and provided an opportunity to have a good chat to people I had not seen for a while.  The registrar caused some amusement when he got the bride’s name wrong several times as it had been misspelt on his order of service.  Eventually all was rectified and the happy couple completed their vows, signed the register and posed for their photos.  I do feel I have aged a lot though as it cannot be possible that the little chap I used to take to the safari park is all grown up and married with a little girl of his own.  Where have the years gone?
I read a book over the weekend written by a friend of almost thirty years standing which tells her life story from childhood until the present day.  Nothing unusual in this you might think, however my friend was born in the wrong body and has undergone gender reassignment surgery to correct this and enable her to live the rest of her life as she knows she should.  It has not been an easy process as she had to tell her family and friends and deal with the fallout from that.  Sadly people who are ‘different’ in any way are still ridiculed, whether their ‘difference’ is race, religion, sexuality, disability, hair colour.............the list goes on and on.  Before making fun of people or being downright rude and insulting to them, we should all take a look in the mirror and check out our own imperfections.  What gives anyone the right to judge themselves better than someone else?  Everyone should be respected for who they are and not what they look like.  We should embrace people’s ‘differences’ and learn from each other.  Perhaps then the world would be a more harmonious and peaceful place in which to live.

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