Wednesday 17 November 2010

Ice and Splice

Great start to the week...............freezing cold on Monday morning and the need to de-ice the car for the school run was not my first choice for the day.  Worse was to come though as the de-icer froze on the window as soon as I sprayed it therefore giving me twice the scraping work to do. What joy.  Off to park in the local Waitrose where their new car park surface provides a handy training rink for the Dancing on Ice stars.  My complaint letter is on its way, followed I imagine by personal injury claims from the townsfolk.  Perhaps Personal Injury Lawyers For You could have a small kiosk next to the recycling skips? Just a thought.
Desktop PC has a virus and is seriously sick.  Fortunately laptop is still alive and well so have been able to email for help from my very reliable and super talented PC guy.  Hopefully it will be sorted on Wednesday.  Be warned, my PC was running fine until it shut itself down then rebooted with a message from Security Tool basically blocking access to every programme and saying it is trying to access my credit card information to send payment elsewhere. How very antisocial and mean spirited especially as I’ve no debt on the card in the first place.  Not what I need really with all the paperwork I have to plough through.
Tuesday morning kicked off with thick fog and yet more ice to scrape off the car.  Easier job today.................until I parked on the skating rink again and went to get the buggy out of the boot. Lock on boot frozen solid, ended up dismantling car from the inside to retrieve buggy, no mean feat in a car with two rows of rear seats. Much amusement from the littlies in the car, probably at the sight of me arms and legs akimbo, bum in air and biting lip so as not to curse.
Day progressed more positively though – had call from previous client wanting to place her child with me again.  Postman delivered first Christmas card of the season from one of my cousins (ulterior motive though as there was a very useful gift suggestion inside, thanks Muriel) plus a letter from Lloyds saying they are paying me back a stack of PPI from years ago!  Good times!
Breaking news about the Royal engagement.  Is this going to mean a national holiday?  Not sure about giving a second hand ring to the lady though, seems a bit odd.  Surely he could have put a fiver a week away for the last few years and nipped out to H Samuel during a lunch break from the air sea rescue station?  On the other hand perhaps we should commend William’s efforts at recycling? Comments on a postcard please (made from recycled card only).
More bizarre happenings weather-wise......left home in warmish bright sunshine to head to school.....two minutes down the hill and there was thick fog. Hmmmm.......turned around and went back for a coat. An hour later the town was still shrouded in cotton wool and the hilltop was sunny (although a little colder). Obviously it is true about the sun shining on the good people.  Or was that the righteous? Hey, whatever, it was nice up here!
Until next time, adios!

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